I recently had the chance to visit the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley ‘s incredible National Geographic Photo Ark exhibition. Featuring dozens of portraits by award-winning nature photographer, Joel Sartore, Photographer , this unique exhibition showcases wildlife from all over the world, many of whom are endangered or threatened.
By sharing these expressive individuals living in zoos and sanctuaries, Sartore, National Geographic, and the MSV hope to create a personal connection between museum-goers and these animals in need. As part of the project, they encourage patrons to take “selfies” with the portraits and share under the hashtag, #SaveTogether.

Here at VOF’s Preserve, we protect thousands of unique animal, plant, and fungi species – including many regionally threatened populations. We are inspired by this ambitious project, and treasure all the images preserve-goers share with us of the wildlife they encounter here at Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve!
I feel blessed to have such an important exhibit on display in our area, and encourage other nature lovers to go check it out!