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As a result of the state of emergency declared in the Commonwealth by order of the Governor on March 12, 2020 & pursuant to Executive Amendment 28 to HB29 (2020), the Finance and Audit Committee, a standing committee of the Virginia Outdoors Foundation (VOF) Board of Trustees, will meet by electronic communication means, without more than one Board member physically assembled at one location, to discuss or transact the business statutorily required or necessary to continue operations of VOF and the discharge of its lawful purposes, duties and responsibilities, as outlined in the meeting agenda. The purpose of the meeting will be to review year to date FY2020 budget figures and to prepare the FY2021 budget for presentation to the full board. A recording of the meeting as well as minutes shall be posted on the VOF website and Commonwealth Calendar as soon as practical after the conclusion of the meeting.

If accessing the meeting from the internet via a computer or smartphone, please use this link to access the electronic meeting: https://meet.lync.com/vof.org/dmorton/VH61FSZP?sl=1.

Skype FOR BUSINESS web/desktop app or smartphone app must be downloaded for you to access the meeting with video. It is highly recommended to test audio and video access well before the meeting begins.

If accessing the meeting by phone, please dial: Toll number: +1 (804) 215-0964 and utilize the Conference ID: 525130133#

If you have any issues during the time of the meeting, please contact VOF Meeting Support via email at meetingsupport@vof.org.

Public comment will be received on the agenda topics, at the beginning of the meeting from those persons who have submitted an email to bcabibbo@vof.org no later than 8am on May 20, 2020 indicating that they wish to offer comment. As the names of these individuals are announced at the beginning of the meeting, comment may be offered. Option 2 is to email agenda topic comments to comments@vof.org to be received by 8:00 am on May 20, 2020 and those comments will be read aloud at the meeting.
