Web and Social Media Policy


The Virginia Outdoors Foundation (VOF) makes every effort to ensure that the information presented on this site is accurate, reliable, and timely.  However, we do not make any claim that such is 100 percent true 100 percent of the time, and therefore we cannot be held liable for the ultimate accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of the content found on this site.

Similarly, this site may reference specific commercial products, processes, or services by trade name, trademark, or manufacturer, but this does not constitute or imply any endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by VOF or the Commonwealth of Virginia.

The VOF website has links to other websites. These include links to websites operated by other government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and private businesses. When you link to another site, you are no longer on our site and so this policy will not apply. When you link to another website, you are subject to the privacy policy of that new site. Similarly, any references on these websites to specific commercial products, processes, or services does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by VOF.

Linking Policy

This site contains links to external websites and pages containing information created and maintained by public and private organizations other than VOF, which alone determines which external websites are linked to. These links are offered to be helpful to our site visitors, but just because we link to another website does not mean we explicitly or implicitly endorse, recommend, or especially favor these entities.

Links to external websites and pages may be removed or replaced at the sole discretion of VOF at any time without notice.

If a link on this site is not working, please contact our webmaster or by using the contact information provided on our Contact Us page.

See also this Policy’s Disclaimer section above regarding off-site links.

Commenting Policy

VOF uses our website and social media to provide an open source for two-way communication, and welcomes comments, questions, and ideas. Although we cannot monitor, post, or respond to comments 24/7, we respond as quickly as possible during business hours. VOF reserves the right to immediately delete any comment we deem inappropriate. Repeated violations may cause the author to be blocked from future commenting or from our social media channels.

A comment will be deleted if it contains the following:

  • Profanity, obscenity, vulgarity, or hate speech—including creative spellings attempting to circumvent detection;
  • Sexual content or links to sexual content;
  • Defamation to a person or people;
  • Comments that promote or advertise a person, business, or commercial transaction;
  • Comments that promote or oppose any person campaigning for election to a political office, or that promote or oppose any ballot measure;
  • Comments that infringe on copyrights
  • Spam comments, such as the same comment posted repeatedly;
  • Other comments that the foundation’s management deems inappropriate.

Anyone who posts comments participates at his or her own risk, taking personal responsibility for posted comments, username and any information provided.

Comments represent the opinions of the individuals providing the comment and not the views, positions, or policies of VOF.
All comments made on VOF’s website and social media sites are considered public records, and are bound by state and federal laws, and the Virginia Public Records Act.

Communications made through social media sites will in no way constitute a legal or official notice or comment to VOF, its Board of Trustees, or any official or employee of the Commonwealth of Virginia for any purpose.

This comment policy is subject to modification at any time.


Some of the content or files on this site may require third-party plug-ins or separate software to view. VOF makes no guarantees about the compatibility or availability of such plug-ins or software for every user.


Your personal privacy is important to us, and our privacy policy is clear:  We do not collect any personal information when you visit our website unless you choose to provide that information to us.

During your visit to this site, we do gather and store certain information about your visit automatically. This information does not identify you personally and includes:

  • The IP address (a number automatically assigned to your computer in order to browse the internet) and internet domain (for example, “company.com” if you connect from work, “school.edu” if you connect from school) of your computer;
  • The type of browser and operating system used to access our Web site;
  • The date and time you access our website;
  • The pages you visit; and
  • If you arrived are our website from another website, the address of that website.

This information is used to track site usage and user technology; this information in turn helps us to make our site more useful to visitors.

Use and Collection of Personal Information

Other than the information listed above, personal information is only collected if you send an e-mail to staff, or fill out a form with your personal information and submit it through our website. These communications are automatically logged for tracking purposes, and will be used to follow-up on your comments, questions, or requests.

We do not collect personal information through this site for any other purposes. Except as required by law under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, the information that you provide is not given to any private organizations or private persons. Neither VOF nor the Commonwealth of Virginia collects or uses information for commercial marketing.


“Cookies” are small files either stored on a server or sent back to a visiting computer. In certain applications, user information is stored as cookies, which are then sent back to and stored on the user’s computer.

Some sections of this website may use cookies to customize the information presented to you.

See also this Policy’s Privacy section regarding information gathered by this site and the use of that information.


The copyright to this site is owned by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Permission is granted to every person visiting this site to make fair use of its contents. If you are in doubt about whether your use constitutes fair use, please send a request for explicit permission to copy the contents to our webmaster.