As utility companies expand and upgrade Virginia’s electrical grid, the Virginia Outdoors Foundation has been involved in the review of upgrade projects to determine and mitigate any potential impacts to …
Category Archives: News
VOF sets planning in motion for Hayfields property in Highland County
The Virginia Outdoors Foundation (VOF) has initiated planning for the 1,034-acre Hayfields Farm in Highland County, which is being acquired by VOF following a three-year process in which Atlantic Coast …
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VOF announces grant opportunity for easements that include public access
The Virginia Outdoors Foundation is seeking proposals for open-space easements that would result in new outdoor recreation and education opportunities for the public, especially in cities and towns where such …
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VOF trustees approve ACP and MVP conversion applications at Oct. 16 public meeting
At a special public meeting in Richmond on October 16, 2017, the board of trustees of the Virginia Outdoors Foundation unanimously approved applications for “conversion of open space” by two …
Updated: Special board meeting scheduled to complete review of pipeline conversion applications
Update: Both Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Mountain Valley Pipeline have submitted revised conversion applications, which they describe as reducing the overall proposed impact to VOF easements. The revised applications, along …
VOF defers decision on MVP conversion application, supports FERC recommendation on access road
Update (7/26/2017): On July, 21 2017 MVP, LLC submitted an appeal to FERC on condition #16 of the FEIS, which would have required MVP, LLC to avoid the access road …
VOF defers decision on MVP conversion, supports FERC recommendation on access road
Citing concerns from VOF and the landowner, FERC has asked MVP to file a plan that does not include the access road.
Mountain Valley Pipeline applies for conversion on Roanoke County easement
The developer of a proposed 42-inch natural gas pipeline in southwestern Virginia has applied for conversion of 0.62 acres on a 590-acre open-space easement held by the Virginia Outdoors Foundation …
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Pulaski County easement will provide key linkages in New River Valley greenway
An 11-acre easement funded by VOF’s Preservation Trust Fund and the Virginia Land Conservation Fund will connect the county’s new greenway to the fishing, boating and wildlife viewing possibilities on the banks of the river, and link a series of existing trails across the region.
Explore VOF’s conserved lands online with interactive Map Room
The Virginia Outdoors Foundation is excited to announce a new Map Room feature available through our website. The Map Room, which is hosted by ESRI at, functions as a central …
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