The Trust for Public Land, Nature Conservancy, and Virginia Outdoors Foundation join together with Patawomeck leaders to secure protections for land along the Rappahannock county in Spotsylvania and Caroline counties.
Category Archives: Preservation Trust Fund
VOF opens $1.9M grant round for open-space projects
VOF is seeking proposals for projects that will increase access to open space, protect working farms and forests, and provide other public benefits.
VOF announces nearly $1.7 million for open-space projects
Latest grant recipients include family farms, parks, and public trails.
VOF opens $1.7M grant round for open-space projects
VOF is seeking proposals for projects that will increase access to open space, protect working farms and forests, and provide other public benefits.
VOF opens $1.875 million grant round for open-space projects
The Virginia Outdoors Foundation (VOF) is making $1.7 million available from its Preservation Trust Fund program and $175,000 from its Get Outdoors Fund for grants that protect open space for …
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VOF opens $1.875 million grant round for open-space projects
VOF is seeking proposals for projects that will create safe access to open space and provide other public benefits.
VOF announces $2.2 million for 22 open-space projects across Virginia
Projects include parks, trails, and programs that increase safe access to open space in 21 localities.
Blackwater Park project wins Governor’s Environmental Excellence Award
New park will provide recreational opportunities for residents of and visitors to the City of Franklin while protecting the scenic Blackwater River and bald cypress habitat.
$2 million available in latest grant round for open space projects
VOF is seeking proposals for projects that will create safe access to open space and provide other public benefits.
VOF announces $1.9 million for 24 open-space projects across Virginia
Latest grants support parks, trails, tribal lands, youth programs and other projects that increase public access to open space in 21 different counties and cities.