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Bull Run Mountains Archaeology Field Day

Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve 17502 Beverley Mill Dr, Broad Run

The Virginia Outdoors Foundation and Fauquier County are sponsoring a hands-on archaeology field day for public participation at a late 18th century stone house in the Bull Run Mountains off of Hungry Run Road. Professional archaeologists from Thunderbird Archaeology, a division of Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc., will be on-hand to assist volunteers and answer questions. For more …

Archaeology Workshop

Afro-American Historical Association of Fauquier 4243 Loudoun Ave, The Plains

The Virginia Outdoors Foundation and Fauquier County are sponsoring a workshop to teach interested citizens about archaeological sites and archaeological site stewardship.  Mike Barber, state archaeologist with the Virginia Department of Historic Resources, will speak about the basics of archaeology and archaeological methods.

Board of Trustees Meeting

Virginia Dept. of Forestry Building, 2nd Floor Board Room 900 Natural Resources Dr., Charlottesville

The VOF Board of Trustees will review easement proposals and hear reports on policy and other matters from the staff. This is a public meeting. Files for Download (PDF format)