Funding for Conservation

VOF provides funding for open-space protection through various programs. Learn more about these programs, including what kinds of projects are eligible, and how to apply for grants.

Preservation Trust Fund

Grants for protecting farms, forests, parks, preserves, and other properties under Virginia's Open-Space Land Act.


A grant program established with funds resulting from legal and regulatory actions involving Virginia’s natural resources.

Preservation Trust Fund

Grants for protecting farms, forests, parks, preserves, and other properties under Virginia's Open-Space Land Act.

Get Outdoors Fund

Grants for projects that increase safe access to open space for all Virginians.


A grant program established with funds resulting from legal and regulatory actions involving Virginia’s natural resources.
Active RFP

Help Center

A searchable, categorized database of information about VOF easements, programs, policies, and more.

Document Library

Applications, forms, templates, guidelines, newsletters, and other publications.

Contact Us

A staff directory, an interactive map to locate staff by zip code, and a form to contact board members.