VOF will host a one-hour Preservation Trust Fund Grant Workshop on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 from 1:00-2:00p.m. using Microsoft Teams. The workshop will address key program requirements and criteria, provide guidance on material to submit with the application and share tips on navigating the grant portal. Registration is required. Click the button below to register.

Preservation Trust Fund

Established by the Virginia General Assembly in 1997 and administered by the Virginia Outdoors Foundation (VOF), the Open-Space Lands Preservation Trust Fund (PTF) provides grants for acquisitions, easements, and other methods of permanently protecting open space for farming, forestry, recreation, public access, wildlife, and water quality. A right, privilege, or interest in real estate must be conveyed to VOF or a locality pursuant to Virginia’s Open-Space Land Act to be eligible for PTF funding. Land already protected through existing deed restrictions, such as an open-space easement, may not be eligible.

In addition to grants for land protection, VOF also provides Easement Assistance grants, which are income-based cost-share assistance grants to landowners conveying an open-space easement to VOF or to a locality. These grants can cover legal, appraisal, and other costs associated with conveying an open space easement.

Landowners conveying easements as part of a development proposal or as a proffer are not eligible.

Eligible Costs

PTF grants may pay for costs associated with the conveyance of an interest, right, or privilege in open space under the Open-Space Land Act including fee-simple acquisition, public access rights of way, due diligence, legal and survey costs.

The amount of a PTF grant must be substantiated by the value of the real estate interest being conveyed as shown by an assessment, appraisal, or other accepted methodology.

No funds may be disbursed until the real estate interest is conveyed.

Income Eligibility for Easement Assistance

The following chart provides guidance when applying for Easement Assistance grants.

Landowner Annual
Easement Assistance
Up to $70,000100%$14,000$20,000
$70,000 – $85,00075%$10,500$15,000
$85,000 – $105,00050%$7,000$10,000
Over $105,000Not EligibleN/ANot Eligible

Application Process

VOF announces PTF grant rounds each fiscal year depending on funding levels in the state budget. The next grant round will be announced in October 2025. Easement Assistance grants are available on a rolling basis. Interested applicants should contact grant program staff at grants@vof.org to determine if their project is right for a PTF grant.

Below are documents related to the PTF program. If you would like additional documents, such as review criteria, sample deed language, or sample applications, please contact our staff.

PTF Documents

PTF Easement Assistance Documents

Grant Spotlight