Support Us

Contribute to VOF's work of conserving open space for future generations.

Donate Today

Support one of the nation’s most effective land conservation organizations today.

Send checks to:

Virginia Outdoors Foundation
900 South Main St.
Blacksburg, VA 24060

More Ways to Donate

Donating Easements

Landowners can donate development rights on their property to VOF, which permanently extinguishes these rights through an open-space easement. VOF has accepted thousands of these gifts on behalf of the public over the years.

Donating Land

Did you know that VOF can accept gifts of land on behalf of the Commonwealth of Virginia? We can even hold onto land for local and state government agencies until they are ready to develop it as a park, wildlife management area, or other public use.

Planned Giving

Are you considering a gift of money, securities, or property to VOF in your estate plans? Talk to us first to better understand your needs and goals, and to ensure that we will make the most of your gift for the benefit of the Commonwealth.